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This title brings me such warmth as I remember reading this book not only to my own children but to so many children over the years. How the children marvel at the manner in which Sam-I-Am chases his friend, trying to convince him to eat such an unlikely meal. And then he tries to get him to eat the green eggs & ham in the most unlikely places!!

Yesterday, for the first time, I read “Green Eggs and Ham” to Sophia. How she delighted in that story!! How she enjoyed the rhymes, the story, the pictures, the chase & then the inevitable – surrender. Sophia was just about ready to stand & applaud by the time the friend says, “I do so like green eggs and Ham! Thank you! Thank you, Sam-I-am!”

This morning in my devotional, I read:

“Taste & see that the Lord is good..” Psalm 34:8

Seems to me that much like Sam-I-Am’s friend, we are also being encouraged to perhaps “taste” something that we might otherwise pass up. David is telling us to take notice in the Lord & His goodness will benefit us greatly. We will be “blessed” or happy as we do so.

Sam-I-Am’s friend, who remains nameless in the book, makes several discoveries when he finally surrenders & tastes the green eggs & ham. He discovers:

  • he likes what he thought he disliked
  • he would partake of them ANY WHERE
  • he would eat them with others

But more so, I think he discovered what he had been missing out on all along! Oh, that we would not keep missing out!!

“Taste & see that the Lord is good…”

Today I am linked with Friendship Friday .             Â