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Im-Maximizing-My-Mornings-300An entire week spent on the same passage of Scripture. Each day bringing another truth and directive on how to live each day from Colossians 2:6-23 ā€¦

  1. Deep Roots + Lives Built on Jesus = Strong Faith + Thanksgiving
  2. Christ = ALL the fullness of God in a human body
  3. We are made complete In. Christ. Alone.

Paul continues to give some very practical instructions for daily living in this passage … “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving.” (verse 6-7, NIV).

Paul uses imagery suggesting our lives are to be like superstructures. The superstructure is the part which is built above the foundation. We are to continue to build upon the foundation already laid for us by Christ. We are to be “strengthened in the faith” which means our faith is to be “firm and reliable to inspire confidence” (New Testament Lexical Aids). As we stand firm, roots going deep, our lives will inspire others to seek Him and grow deeply.

In Christ, we see the fullness of God – all that He is – in a human body. To know Christ is to know God. We have His Holy Spirit alive in us, empowering us to live each day strengthened and in victory. The gift that is ours through Him is amazing. We have been made complete in Him already.

As we embrace these truths fully, our lives are “overflowing with thankfulness”. This is written in the present active participle which means it is written so that it is not only currently taking place but repeatedly taking place. Thankfulness is to be happening in our lives, now at this moment, and happening in every moment to come. Our lives are to be marked by an overflow of thanksgiving.

This attitude of thanksgiving is sure to be tried today as the snow continues to come down in our area. More to shovel, another snow day with cancellations and battling ice. Perhaps for you, it is a day of runny noses, coughs, potty training and grumpy people. Even in this, may our lives be marked by and overflow with thanksgiving. It can even be a sunny day for you with warm temps but you face the grueling task of commuting to work with angry drivers on the road. Whatever is facing you today, may we each be thankful for the day He has given to us.

Paul made a big deal of roots because they matter greatly.

Let your roots grow down into Him.

In Christ alone, we are made complete.

Today I am joining … #SmallWonder and Inspire Me Mondays and Playdates with God and Create With Joy and Making Your Home Sing .