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This past week, we started a new study at Hello Mornings – Relentless by Darcy Wiley. We are going to be studying how a hardhearted people are pursued by their God, Who has an unstoppable love. We began with looking at the time of transition by which the story unfolds:

  • We are always just one generation away. As we start reading, we find the people in a crisis – their leader has died. The generation which came out of Egypt served God BUT the next generation “did not acknowledge or remember the mighty things God had done for Israel.” (Judges 2:10). We have a responsibility to pass on our faith in a way that hopefully, sticks. May each of us dig down deeply into His Word so that the next generation will see His Word active and alive in each of our lives, and long for more of the same.
  • We have a delightful inheritance. God made a promise to the Israelites – He was going to give them their land. God promised to help them drive their enemies out so that they could live in the land He had promised to them. May we think about  the “enemy” which needs to be driven out of our lives today, in order for us to lay hold of God’s promises. “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” (Psalm 16:6)
  • Requirements and blessings. There is much God was willing to do for His people in response to their love and obedience. God was looking to keep His people from following the wrong practices of those around them. Even then, like today, following the crowd very often meant following evil. He desired for them to stand apart then and for us to stand apart today. “Behold, I send an angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you to the place which I have prepared.” (Exodus 23:30)
  • Obedience is for our own good. God had been very clear in giving directions (see Exodus 23:33) that they were to drive out the people and not let anyone remain. God had blessed them with victory, His Presence was with them, and yet they didn’t follow through. This would result in their downfall in the years ahead. “The Lord was with the people of Judah, and they took possession of the hill country. BUT they failed to drive out the people living in the plains, who had chariots.” (Judges 1:19) May we remember that partial obedience really boils down to disobedience.
  • God is merciful. God was with His people. Although God had driven their enemies out of their land, they went back to their old life style. Yet our God offers His grace and mercy repeatedly (as He does to us today), telling us all to turn and live. His desire is for us all to find life and life abundantly. 

May we hold fast to our God every day!


Photo Credit: Jacquie Engbrecht

Today I am joining … #SmallWonder and Sharing His Beauty and #WordsWithWinter and Inspire Me Monday and Playdates With God .