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Our Worth Is Secure

The thought had been with me for quite a number of days …  We are all image bearers. We bear the image of Christ. In creating man, God stamped His very image on each of us. Our worth stems from the truth God loves us because He created us and not based on...

Don’t Waste It

There is no shortage of articles and blog posts on the topic of comparison. Just google the word and you will come up with 185,000,000 results. Seeing as I did just that, by the time you read this, I would venture to say the number may be even higher 🙂 And yet we all...
Grace & Opi Polish

Grace & Opi Polish

It is amazing how we can be in our fifties and a simple phone conversation can remind us of past wounds. Even open them up a little. Make us feel like that kid again. And that’s where I found myself last week. One phone call. A flash back to my childhood....