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Remember those mushrooms I just shared about? Well they seem to be the gift that keeps on giving as God keeps speaking to me through them.

What hit me this morning is this….

Yes, God surely caused those mushrooms to grow in an unusual place. No doubt.

Yes, God surely created them beautifully & stunningly. No doubt. 

Yes, God surely meant for them to be viewed & appreciated. No doubt.

Yes, God surely meant for them to point to Him, the Creator. No doubt.

And YES! He surely meant to speak through them & His Word. No doubt.


I had to stop & look at them.

        I had to stop & appreciate them.

               I had to stop & listen to Him through the pages of His Word.

Had I not stopped what I was doing & gone closer, I would have missed Him.

Remember Moses? Moses had a similar experience. He was in the far side of the desert, tending some sheep (not even his own!). It was what he did each & every day. He was doing the ordinary. From where he was standing, he saw the unusual – a burning bush. Granted, that is a far bigger deal than my mushrooms. But that is not the point 🙂 Upon seeing the burning bush, Scripture tells us this most important detail….

“So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight””why the bush does not burn up.” (Exodus 3:3 NIV).

Moses had to stop what he was doing & go over to see what was happening. He had to leave the ordinary in order to experience the extraordinary. Did you catch that?

How often do I miss the extraordinary in the ordinary?

Now here’s the deal….

Moses goes over. But he not only sees the extraordinary burning bush. No, he gets even more. Scripture tells us that God SAW that Moses came over. God was not going to miss opportunity with spend time with Moses. Moses made the effort & God shows up…

“When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” (Exodus 3:4 NIV).

Moses stops tending to his sheep (the ordinary for him), walks over & God speaks (the extraordinary). We can so miss the exchange that takes place in this story.

Here is the funny part to the mushrooms. I was inside the house cleaning (the ordinary). My mom came up the back stairs & called in to me through the screen door to come see something. I asked her what it was that I was coming to see & she said, “You just have to come see for yourself.”

That got me a little annoyed. I did not want to stop what I was doing to just go see anything. This had better be good. But I went. And here’s the thing….

I am so glad that I did. Guess what? I went back to finishing cleaning….After I read the Scriptures going through my head…… After God was done sharing with me. And the dusting (the ordinary) was still there.

All this has got me to wondering…

What have I missed those times when I would not “go over to see”?

    What have I missed when I am so busy that I will not stop?

       What extraordinary opportunity have I missed because the ordinary was before me?

Today may we be mindful of God. He may just be desiring to interrupt your day. Notice my mom’s words to me, “You just have to come see for yourself.” No one can do it for you. He may be wanting to show up & speak truth into your life. He’s known for showing up in burning bushes. And now & then, He may use a mushroom or two!