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We so often hear about when Christ stilled the storm. That is an amazing miracle in itself. He is in the boat with His disciples, when without warning, a furious storm comes upon them & Jesus is sound asleep. His disciples wake Him in a panic. He speaks to the wind & the waves & the storm was completely calm. (found in Matthew 8:23-27).

The question I found myself pondering was this:

               Are there times in our lives that God Himself orders the storm?

Have you ever said these words, “I would go through it all over again”, after surviving a situation? I know I have. I have uttered those words because as painful as a situation may have been, it revealed something more about God to me. I came to realize that I came through & I had been changed.

Let’s be honest here –

None of us like going through a crisis.

   None of us like feeling that the pain of a situation may just break us this time.

     None of us like that we’ve been setback or set aside in life.

         None of us like feeling that we get to pass “go” but not collect anything.

            None of us like the feeling of being stuck & there is no “Get out of jail free card”                 in sight.

But what if, just what if, God Himself tailored the situation because He knew. What would He have known?

  • He knew that the storm would get our attention like nothing else could at the time
  • He knew that He was actually saving our skin not killing us
  • He knew that we would be changed for life
  • He knew that our desires would now align with His

Priscilla Shirer in her book, “Life Interrupted”, makes this statement regarding the storm, “…God has certainly succeeded in getting our attention, hasn’t He? Anything less turbulent might not have been enough, but now He’s radically changed our perspective.” (page 76).

       He knows just how turbulent a storm it needs to be in order to get the job done.

Job put it this way:

     “I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes.”                   (Job 42:5 NIV).

And that says it all. He loves us so much, desires relationship with us so deeply, that He will do what is necessary to get our attention & show us a glimpse of WHO He is & just what He is able to do in our lives. And once He has our attention, He will…

                                            completely calm the storm.