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Some days will always remain in our memory. Days like…… 

  • your birth
  • the first time you walked
  • the first time we fed the ducks in Winchester Center
  • your first day of school
  • the day you had teeth pulled for braces
  • your HS graduation
  • your engagement
  • your college graduation

                                            YOUR WEDDING DAY!!!! 

How could we ever have known that it was not the end of something wonderful but the start of something even better? How could we have known the depth of joy gaining a son-in-law would bring? How could we have known all the laughter, all the tears, all the memories that we would be building together?

Only God.

Only God could have brought such a perfect union. We thank Him for you both. May your love for each other continue to strengthen & grow.

                                     HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Lisa & Peter!!!!

                                        HAPPY EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY!!!

                             We love you both more than you could ever know.
