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OK so after the whole blog experience which I wrote about in my last post (you can read about it here, I am still thinking…..

Part of the problem which arose was the problem of comparison. I have come to realize that there are two pitfalls to comparisons:

  1. if we fail or fall short, it leads us into insecurity. We become concerned with our perceived inability & lack of talent.
  2. if we succeed or do better than others, it leads us to pride. Comparison can lead us into a puffed up attitude about our abilities.

Whether we fail or succeed, comparison leads us into sin. Perhaps that is why, Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, tells us:

“When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.” (2 Corinthians 10:12 b NIV).

It is an interesting meaning that we find in the term “they are not wise”. To be wise…

…denotes the collecting together of the individual features of an object into a whole, as collecting the pieces of a puzzle & putting them together. (according to the New Testament Lexical Aids of the Key Word Study Bible).

When we are wise, the pieces fit together as they are intended by God. When we enter into comparing ourselves, we are unwise – we are trying to put together a puzzle by forcing pieces together that will not fit. We were not created to fit into the shoes of another person. We were created to be an individual with a purpose in life intended solely for ourselves. May we live wisely – without comparisons.

Perhaps the only comparisons we should be doing in our lives is comparison shopping 🙂