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One week in the life of women…….

This week I am going to keep a running list of the things the women in my life do. The challenges they rise to. The responsibilities they meet. The things they do that only they can do. Perhaps you will recognize yourself in this list. Know that I admire you all…..

  • pushed through not feeling well
  • got up for one more middle of the night feeding
  • changed one more unbelievable diaper
  • entertained a toddler – again
  • waited at an airport for a flight for hours
  • painted a beautiful mural
  • wrote a most encouraging & affirming email
  • vacuumed for the third time this week, in the same day
  • went for a medical test
  • paid bills & wondered, “Will there be enough?”
  • tried a new venture, not knowing how it will turn out
  • sat by a dying friend
  • took care of aging parents
  • maintained healthy boundaries even though it hurt

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” (Proverbs 31:31 NIV)

Since I don’t have a city gate, I will let your praises ring here! May you see yourself somewhere in this blog & know that what you do every day does not go unseen. He sees it all & it matters to Him.