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Last night at “Hinge” (a pub ministry), the thought was put forth that struck deeply. In times of difficulty we usually begin to mull over the idea of “What if….”.

  • What if this had not happened?
  • What if things had been different?
  • What if I had gotten that job, that spouse, that opportunity?

We all have those lingering questions in life. Truth be known, they can come after a season of success in which we bask or in a time of suffering which we regret or wish we could avoid. Either scenario will cause us to be stuck in that moment. Stagnate.

So the thought that was put forth last night was this…

“What now?”.

  • What do I need to do now?
  • How do I move forward from this now?
  • What is it that God would have me to do with this now?

The question, “What now?” becomes a spring board, launching us forward rather than keeping us stuck. Asking the question, “What now?”, will cause us to experience new growth, develop new skills, and be used of God in unexpected ways.

It redeems the past.

Reinvigorates the present.

Rouses the future.

“What now?” causes us to realize that God was in our past, is in our present & somehow uses it all in our future.