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I was given this book to read from Cross Focused Media in exchange for doing this review.

Having always found quotes by Francis Schaeffer to be thought provoking, when given the opportunity to read & review this book, I decided to take it. I enjoyed the book & learned much about his life & faith. Frances Schaeffer was a man who questioned life & struggled with life & yet always found his answers to be in God’s Word. He committed his life to telling others, predominantly students & young people, about God, showing them that the Bible is true & that they would also find their answers on the pages of Scripture. This author included many entries from journals written both by Schaeffer & his wife which enabled the reader to see into their personal thoughts & emotions. His life was well summarized by the author with this paragraph:

Schaeffer displayed this ( referring to personal love of individuals) in his personal attention to individuals, in his attentive listening & in his energy-draining sacrifices, whether on behalf of the unborn child or the inerrancy of Scripture, in the last years of his life. Together, he & Edith displayed love in the sacrificial use of their home at L’Abri. We hear much today of the importance of ‘community’ & ‘relationships’ in giving our evangelism credibility. Schaeffer was already there.

You will learn much about Schaeffer’s life & ministry from this “bitesized” book.