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Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Philippians 2:3 ESV

Today what truly hit me was this……

What would happen if we all lived as if everyone else was more significant than ourselves?


I think the enemy has gained such a foothold into so many relationships, friendships, organizations, churches or ministries because we think too much of ourselves. About ourselves. And for ourselves.

What would happen if we truly lived viewing others as more significant than ourselves?

  • We would begin investing into the lives of others. We would be raising up other people.
  • We would be able to encourage others. And we would benefit from others encouraging us as well.

Encourage is “to inspire with courage, spirit or confidence, to embolden.”

Can we imagine what the church would look like if we were to become an embolden people? There would be nothing that could hold us back from doing things for God. Big things. We would be bold, brave & confident.

But notice that it starts with us being humble. We lower ourselves to raise up others, God does big things among us. We all benefit. So here is the challenge….

Who can you count more significant than yourself? Send that person a card or give them a call just to encourage them today. Affirm them. Let them know that you appreciate them.

Then step back & watch what God will do in & through you both.


I linked up at A Royal Daughter .