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5-minute-friday-1BROKEN –

Funny that this would be the prompt for today. Just yesterday I read about Christ & His last supper. He reminded His followers, His friends, that the Bread represented His Body “broken for you”. To remember that His body was just that – broken – for me is a most sobering thought. Each & every time I partake of Communion, I am to remember the brokenness that He endured. He was broken so that He could come into my broken world & bring repair.

Mending hearts that have been broken.

Restoring dignity where it has been torn apart.

Healing, both physically & emotionally & mentally, where parts are unable to function properly.

Today I am reminded that He was broken so that my brokenness could be made whole.

He endured brokenness so that He could ask, “Do you want to be made whole?” (John 5:5).

I participated in the Five Minute Friday .