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We all have experienced the feeling at some point in our lives. Some of us, more than once. In her book, Wounded by God’s People: Discovering How God’s Love Heals Our Hearts, Anne Graham Lotz shares from her own personal wounds inflicted by God’s very own people.

Anne shares from an open and transparent heart. She never dishonors God’s people nor the church, for which, I found myself most appreciative. We are flawed people who often wound others because we ourselves are wounded. Anne reminds us, gently and lovingly, not to equate God with the actions of man.

Anne did not write the book to publicly air her wounds. She wrote the book to bring us the story of our God’s redemptive love as seen in and through the life of Hagar. In the pages of this book, the story of Hagar, Abraham and Sarah springs to life in a refreshing way to bring healing to every hurting heart. And mine was one.

Through this book, Anne teaches …

  • the wounded do become wounders
  • you will never be able to outrun God
  • doing the right thing can be painful
  • even in your wilderness, God is with you
  • God truly does hear your cries
  • your lowest point may be the place you receive vision
  • you truly can move forward

In her epilogue, Anne writes:

I am convinced that were it not for the utter sufficiency of God’s grace, mercy, and power to bind up my wounds and heal my broken heart, I would be just a shadow of a person. But instead of lashing out, fighting back, or crumbling, I have embraced the pain. I have asked God to use it to furrow me deep. And He has. I am getting stronger in my faith and growing deeper in my trust of Him for this simple yet profound reason: God is with me, His Spirit is within me, and Hi Son is going before me. (page 225)

Anne shares biblical truth which will wash over your heart and mind like a healing balm. She points to Jesus on every single page for she knows, He is the only one who was able to heal her pain. And He can heal each of our wounds as well.

I received this book as a birthday gift for which I will always be grateful. I highly recommend this book for everyone to read.

I am joining …. First Friday Book Faves and Cozy Reading Spot and The Book Review Diva and Booknificent Thurs. .