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There are days it seems I have made progress. Then there are the days, I realize … not so much.

It is the “not so much” days which can cause me to get hard on myself. At this point in life, I thought I would be so much further along.

Now I am not sure where I thought I would be, but somehow I did not think I would be here. Lately I have been pondering if this is not a lie the enemy can use to discourage us in our lives. We must come to the place where our focus is on the truth of who we are …

See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! (1 John 3:1, NLT)

We are already His children. God loves us as such. He calls us His children. This is who I am today, right now. The day I gave birth to each of my babies, they became my children for the rest of my days. They will always be my children.

But here’s the thing ….

While they were born babies, they became toddlers, then adolescents, then teens and now adults. While they changed, they remained – – – my children.

Dear friends, we are already God’s children, but he has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. (1 John 3:2a, NLT)

And there we have it … the big “but” which links us to the “yet”….

We are already His children but we are yet becoming.

He has already made us something and He is yet making us something even more. We are ever changing. Becoming more like the very One Who created us.

So on those days when we get discouraged, may we remember …

We are A process and we are IN process.

For all of our days.

But we do know that we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is.
(1 John 3:2b, NLT)


Joining … Sharing His Beauty and Making Your Home Sing and Inspire Me Mon. and Mon. Musings and Motivational Mon. and Unforced Rhythms and Inspire Me Monday .