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I stand amazed at how God’s Word speaks directly into our hearts. When His Word comes at just the right moment in time, I realize anew – God is a God of time as much as He is a God of timing. And there truly can be nothing like a word which is perfectly timed.

Enter Children of the Day Bible Study by Beth Moore.

I picked the study because well, quite frankly, it seemed like it would be “safe”. It is supposed to be about shining brightly. Never being without His light wherever life may find you.

I’m in – let me learn about shining brightly. It should be an upbeat positive message which includes no pain, no difficulties, easy peasy. And besides, it’s Beth – it has to be GOOD!

And then came week 4 and she had us turn to Job. Can I just say, “YUCK!” I didn’t want to read Job as it makes me think of difficulties and quite frankly, I want to be done with difficulties. Can I hear an “Amen” cause seriously, I really need to know I am not alone in thinking like this. Sorry, I digress, so let me get back to Job, who says this:

“What strength do I have that I should continue to hope? What is my future, that I should be patient? Is my strength that of stone, or my flesh made of bronze? Since I cannot help myself, the hope for success has been banished from me.”
(Job 6:11-13)

Job was pretty down. But you truly have to give the guy an A+++ for honesty. And not for nothing, God did not strike him dead either.

So here is what I learned from Job and Beth ….

The root of hopelessness stems from thinking, “I have no strength. I cannot help myself. I have no hope of success (or of accomplishing what I desire).

We become hopeless when we focus on the thought (or belief) that God failed us or let us down or will refuse to come through for us. {{OUCH!!}}

Job stated his thoughts, and his feelings, to God. BUT then he got a grip on things. He couldn’t help himself because He needed God. <—- Truth right there so look back at it. Job needed God to change his situation and we need God to do the same. Each one of us. In our situations. Right where we are.

Let these truths sink in deep!

  • God is your help.
  • He will help you.
  • God is your strength.
  • The outcome to your situation does not depend on you and your abilities.
  • Your future is bright in Him.

So let’s fill our minds with these truths because His Word tells us these things and His Word is TRUTH….

“Let us hold onto the confession of our hope without wavering, for HE WHO PROMISED IS FAITHFUL.” (Hebrews 10:23)

Concentrate on this today ….

Let’s rein in our thoughts,


let Him reign!!!

I am joining with … Coffee For Your Heart and Three Word Wed. and Winsome Wed. and Wedded Wed. and Wed. Prayer Girls and Works For Me and Whimsical Wed. and The Missional Weekend .