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It is so easy to jump on the band wagon. You know the band wagon effect ….

  • to do or say or think a particular way because everyone else is doing so
  • to go along with a popular trend
  • to go along with the crowd

The funny thing about the bandwagon is there is often no rationale as to why everyone jumps on. Many will jump on without thinking the thing through; without examining whether or not they agree or disagree. In the midst of all the drama or the heat or the commotion, they just go with the flow.

But is this wise? This is the question on the table and before me today.

In the middle of reading the book of Acts, this morning’s reading started with these simple words ….

“When the uproar was over ….” (Acts 20:1, NLT)

Paul waited for everything to settle down and then he went into action.

So many times, I have responded or reacted before thinking the thing through. I bet you have as well. I need to learn not to be so quick to react but to let the uproar die down.

Most times the uproar is taking place inside my heart and mind. I need to let the cacophony die down inside and then sort the situation out.

Sometimes we just need to wait for the uproar to be over. To let all the drama and emotions settle. When the dust is flying, we truly cannot see clearly nor be wise. I love that Paul knew the wisdom in waiting.

May we learn to let the bandwagon go on by.

And wait until the uproar is over.

 Today I am joining … Unite and Testimony Tues. and Titus 2 Tues. and Titus 2sday  .