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This has been a week of prayer for me. A week of praying for so many different people in my life and varied situations. Some are even life and death kind of needs. Some just need life breathed into them. No matter the need, to each one – they are flat out hard. Life can be like that at times.

At times like this, I have a go to 🙂 You probably have one as well. For some it may be chocolate or coffee or potato chips or a new pair of shoes. For me? It’s an old CD and a song I came to love several years ago.

I pull it out of my stack of CD’s, pop it in wherever I am. It will follow me for as long as I need it – to the kitchen while I cook, to my room while I make my bed and get ready in the morning. And to my car, the very best place of all! Seriously, it will be blasting as loud as I can take it and well, let’s just say, I’ll probably be singing equally as loud. And I will sing it until my soul believes it with every shred of my being once again.

The song is Over My Head by Brian Littrell. Heck, it’s playing now.

Let’s face it, we often find ourselves over our heads. But the truth is this ….

We can be over our head with Jesus. It’s where I want to be. And I want you to be too!

Know why?

When we are over our head with Jesus, nothing else can get over on us!

Jesus. He is so worthy of our trust, our praise, our holding onto Him. And believe me on this, His grip on each one of us is tighter than our grip on Him will ever be. He is determined not to lose a single one of us.

If life is hard at this moment, know the enemy had to ask permission of our Lord to gain access to you. Much like Satan went to God for permission to get at Job (see Job Chapter 1), he has to get through God first to get to any one of us. God gives him permission for two reasons – He knows there is something to be gained by it and He knows we will prove faithful. He knows it!

He also had to ask to get to Peter. Check this out:

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.” (Luke 22:31-32, NLT)

Satan had to get permission to gain access to Peter. Jesus was praying for Peter so that his faith would not fail. He knew Peter would come out better than he went in. He knew when Peter came back, that sifting the enemy thought would destroy Peter, would serve to strengthen Peter. It only removed the weakness in Peter, making Peter a force to be reckoned with. Peter became the one who would strengthen his brothers and those around him and many through the ages to come.

Let’s ask Him to make us strong and courageous.

May we be over our heads with Jesus!



Today I may be joining … Coffee For Your Heart, Three Word Wed., Words of Life Wed., Wedded Wed., Wed. Prayer Girls, Whimsical Wed., Winsome Wed., Works For Me, A Little R & R .