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I’m joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Lots of women. All of us writing on that same word. For the month of October, I will incorporate the word prompts into my series, 31 Days Of Going In Circles.

Today’s word is ….


Ever notice how a night can be long? All you need is a night, or a span of nights, where sleep is elusive and the night seems to be endless. As if morning will never come. The night is long.

I can well remember walking the floors with our first born baby, who was colicky for what seemed like – a long time. We walked the floors, rocking her at night for hours, until she would finally fall asleep. The night was long and the morning would come too quickly. But the moment, when we would get to lay her gently down in her crib, was the sweetest sense of accomplishment.

It was in that moment our hearts would swell with love for this little human. We would realize so much about ourselves – our love for her, our hopes, our dreams, our responsibility, our fears, our inabilities.

Prayer is sort of like that. It is hard work and can seem long. Even Jesus upon praying in the Garden of Gethsemane found his disciples asleep … “Couldn’t you watch with me even one hour?”, He asked.

Praying through a trying or difficult time seems long … long in duration of the time. Long for God to respond. Long to find relief.

But long in this as well – I discover anew how long is His love for me. For each of us.

“And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.” (Ephesians 3:18, NLT)

It is as this understanding of His long love for me develops, in which I find I am being made complete –

“Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life, and power that comes from God.” (Ephesians 3:19, NLT)

Prayer is long.

It teaches me of His long love for me


makes me complete in Him.



GetInline-8This is Day 17 of 31 Days Of Going In Circles. You can find the entire series here .

Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Everyday Jesus and Friendship Fri. and Fellowship Fri. and Faith Filled Fri. and Faith & Fellowship and Blessing Counters .