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277261_TurnerPins_Batch14_000From the time I married, life has been busy. It was not unusual for us to have friends over several nights a week – for dinner, a movie, to watch a sports game, to play cards.

With the birth of our children came the demands of parenting and taking care of their needs. The sleepless nights, the car rides to schools and games, and homework combined with all my usual responsibilities made for days which were only busier. Or maybe the days became shorter. Not sure of what happened except one thing became apparent – I had even less time for myself.

Although my children are grown and married, my days have remained equally as busy. Demands on my time, and my inability to say “No”, means there are days I still do not find time to do the things I desire.

I’ll be honest here – I joined the launch team for The Fringe Hours by Jessica N. Turner because I have so enjoyed her blog. I was excited to read and review the book in order to get the news out about this book.

I did not expect the relief I would find as I found myself engrossed in reading the words I so needed to read.

This book encourages women to find pockets of time in each day by which to nourish your soul – – –

“I believe how you spend your 5-to-9 determines how you’ll spend your 9-to5.”

She encourages us to carve out time, before the day becomes frantic with activity, to better equip yourself for the day through prayer and Scripture reading and exercise.

We can often put a myriad of responsibilities and activities before the most necessary, taking care of ourselves. Guilt has a way of taking up residency in our minds if we are not careful.

“The endless and debilitating chatter in our minds often tries to talk us out of what our hearts are most yearning to explore.” (Marie Forleo, as quoted in the book)

I joined the launch to help a blogger/woman/mother and instead found myself on the receiving end. I discovered there was no need to defend my choices throughout the day. It was okay, actually expedient, for me to enjoy leisure time. Whether it be reading a book, doing a hobby, coffee with a friend, or five minutes of just plain quiet – Jessica encourages us to grab those moments and make them count.

“The Fringe Hours” has helped me to realize the importance of taking care of our souls, for each one of us. It is in so doing, we will find ourselves filled with joy and beauty and an abundance to share with those around us. This book truly is a wonderful read and encouragement not only for women struggling to make time for themselves but for all women. It is a book which brings a release from mommy guilt and a freedom to tend to ourselves and use all our God given potential.


Turner_FringeHours_3D_000Although I received a free, advance copy of “The Fringe Hours” for being part of the book’s launch team, the opinions I have expressed are my own. I linked up this post with Jessica Turner’s first Fringe Friday, where other women are also sharing how they spend their fringe hours.

The book can be purchased at both Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

I am also joining … Literacy Musing Mondays and The Book Nook and Booknificent Thursday .