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Life is being lived at a quick pace these days. Days packed full of activities, responsibilities, and to-do lists. But often at the end of the day, we are left wondering if our lives matter at all. We long to sit with someone who has gone this way before us, drink a hot and long cup of coffee, and listen.

514JNNCNSxL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_We want to hear their stories of successes and failures. Joys and  battles. Laughter and tears. We desire to know that life was meant to be lived with purpose and intentionality. In her book, Own Your Life, Sally Clarkson comes alongside of each reader like a good chat with a close friend.

Each page is filled with wisdom presented in love and gentleness as she nudges us to live each day with boldness, love and faith as we nurture our families. She opens our eyes to live intentionally today as today is the legacy we will leave tomorrow.

Each chapter is filled with stories from her own life and thirty-five plus years of marriage and family. Each story told with a transparency and honesty which draws one in yet deepens the desire to grow closer to God. Sally unfolds the truth that each life, ordinary as it may seem, is meant to be lived through the redeeming power of God which can touch every aspect of our lives.

In my quest to live for His Kingdom, I trust in His ability to do great things. I yield my days to Him, believing that He will be faithful to work through me, that He will take my paltry fish and loaves, as He did with the little boy. As I offer Him all that I have, I will accomplish more in His Spirit than I could ever have done by myself. I yield my burdens to Him, knowing that He will show up because He is my dependable Father. (page 50)

I am so grateful I read this book at the start of a new year for it was challenging and inspiring. These are the days I have been given now to live. Now is the opportunity for me to intentionally, facing each day boldly with faith in God, believing He is and He can and will forever be. It is in these present days before me that I will make choices which those around me will witness …

  • will my choices cause them to desire to live an intentional life for God?
  • will they desire to live fully engaged for God? For His purposes? For His glory?
  • will my life inspire them to be better? Do more? Love deeply?
  • will my life remind others to live with integrity?
  • will my life show them the love and grace of Jesus?

I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is a wonderfully warm and loving book which will call you to steward your days with excellence. In the foreword, written in part by Angela Perritt, we read:

Don’t just sit back and let life happen to you: Engage it, embrace it, and live it out with intention, purpose, and trust in our Lord. Live a life of faith: don’t be afraid to take risks and love those God has placed in your life.

We may be here for just a moment, but let’s make that moment really count! Honor God with the life He has given you by being wise in how you live … how you own your life.


****Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I am disclosing this as required by Federal Trade Commission.


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