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11146510_10207041149050937_2334682719653621794_nMotherhood – a journey experienced by many and yet each journey is unique. They may be similar but will be identical.

In her book, Anchored: Finding Hope in the Unexpected, Kayla Aimee shares her story of giving birth. Scarlette came into the world at twenty five weeks, weighing in at 1 lb. 81/2 oz. and as Kayla words it, “less that two sticks of butter.”

Motherhood changes us forever. Our hearts are never our own afterwards. We learn to live with the unexpected as we try to balance the demands which we never could have imagined.

We came home from the hospital with our perfect baby envisioning all would go well. And it did. Truly. For the first three days.

Then it seemed like someone flipped a switch as the perfection turned sour and the colic slipped into our home. Sleepless days and nights. An infant unable to eat or sleep with any semblance of a schedule. Totally inexperienced, I felt unable to relate to other mothers, who seemed to have it all together and breezed through motherhood. As insecure as I felt, I had never loved another little human as much as I loved this life I held and rocked for hours on end.

This book, much like motherhood itself, has made me laugh and moved me to tears. I had never heard of Kayla before yet, through this book, she feels like a friend. Much like Kayla, through motherhood, I found myself becoming anchored in new found ways to my God.

In and through this book, you will find encouragement and hope as Kayla unveils the truths:

  • God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness.
  • God’s grace truly is sufficient for all things.


“For anyone who has felt their faith in God falter, Anchored extends a gentle invitation to join her [Kayla] as she uncovers a hope that holds.”

If you would like to further connect with Kayla Aimee you can find her website here. She can also be found on Twitter and Facebook .





This post was inspired by Kayla Aimee’s new book, Anchored: Finding Hope in the Unexpected. Order your copy of #AnchoredHope today and receive this printable as a free gift by clicking here!



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