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Life is comprised of the moments we expect. And those which are unexpected.

It is those unexpected times, the ones out of our control, which we struggle with the most …

  • loneliness
  • a colicky baby
  • a broken marriage
  • a broken heart
  • a cancer diagnosis
  • poor choices
  • unemployment

Yet it is in those very moments, we must dig deeply into our faith, our relationship with God, and into His Word to find the strength to fight.

0d16764f-ac7d-486d-8f56-c1b85c1be928In her book, Warrior Chicks, Holly Wagner seeks to help us “rise strong when life wants to take you down.” The concept of the book is a much needed one. There is not a woman alive who does not need encouragement and inspiration to persevere through difficult seasons of life.

Yet the book fell short for me. While the author included many examples from history and literature, there was little encouragement from Scripture. There was more of a bent towards positive thinking, and what one can do to fix their own life, which I found disappointing.

I also found the manner in which the book was laid out to be distracting to my thoughts. Paragraphs were very short, mostly one lined sentences which seemed to jump from thought to thought with little development or continuity. As I continued to read on, I lost interest and skipped to various sections of the book, hoping to regain my thoughts.

This is a good book for someone looking for a motivational or easy read. However, in my opinion, it will not deepen one’s understanding of Scripture. I also hope you will check out the reviews of others as well for many enjoyed the book.

*** I received a copy of this book from Revell for review purposes. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.


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