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Yesterday was one of those days in which three year old Jocelyn talked to me all day long. Like in – all day long. Conversation was important to her. She wanted to share with me every exciting thought going through her little mind.

We converse with those who are near to our hearts. And we share in conversation that which is dear to our hearts.

In John 1, we are made privy to a conversation between Philip and Nathaniel. Jesus had recently called Philip to come and follow Him. Excited, Philip went to share the news with Nathaniel …

“We have found the very person Moses and the prophets wrote about! His name is Jesus, the son of Joseph from Nazareth.” (John 1:45, NLT)

Nathaniel does not seem to embrace the news to eagerly but instead questions Philip a bit. Philip didn’t seem to mind this lack of a response, instead, he encourages Nathaniel to come and see for himself.

Philip did not argue with Nathaniel. He did not even provide Nathaniel with a list of proofs to prove his point. He simply extended an invitation to his friend.

Evangelism usually is advanced best by genuine, concerned, loving proclamation and invitation. (New American Commentary, Vol 25A, page 147)

As Philip and Nathaniel approach Jesus, conversation begins with Jesus telling Nathaniel what He already knows about him. Amazed, Nathaniel realizes, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God-the King of Israel!” (verse 49). Jesus then asks,

“Do you believe this just because I told you I had seen you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this.” (verse 50, NLT)

Jesus did not criticize Nathaniel. He gently displayed Himself to Nathaniel so as to erase all doubts.

Jesus calls us to know Who He is.
He desires for us to take a step of faith.
He calls us to believe.


GetInline-7This is Day 22 of 31 Questions Jesus Asked. You can find the entire series here.

Today I am joining … Thought Provoking Thursday and Everyday Jesus .