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Grit …

It had been defined as “firmness of character, indomitable spirit”.

A tweet appeared in my feed yesterday which stirred me immediately. I hit “retweet” to make sure certain individuals in my life, who are coaches, would read it. As I returned to read it, again and again, over the course of the day, I began to realize – we all need grit.

Peter is often known as the disciple who denied Jesus. Three times no less. No mention of Peter is made the day Jesus was crucified. Was he there? Or was he still sick over his actions?

A few days after, the disciples are back to their jobs of fishing, when Jesus comes to them. As He approaches Peter, He asks …

“Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” (John 21:15, NLT)

Do you love me more than these others? Do you love me more than your job? Do you love me more than you love your friends?

Jesus asks Peter this same question for a total of three times, the same number of times Peter denied Him. Each time, Peter responds, “Yes Lord, you know I love you.”

I was reminded of two things as I have read:

  1. A superficial response to Jesus will not be enough to produce loyalty, commitment, and love when we face hard times.
  2. We have a responsibility to take care of the “sheep” around us. Let’s make sure to tend to them, guarding and protecting one another.

But it was the tweet which brought me back to this familiar passage to unearth what I needed to learn.

Only after the third exchange does Jesus add these words, “Follow me.” (verse 18, NLT)

“Follow me”. It is written in a verb tense which could read, “Keep on following me.”

Keep on – when it is difficult to do so. Keep on following me when the days are dark, lonely, impossible, hard, challenging, discouraging, defeating, hopeful, joyful, rewarding.

And that will require grit … photo(8)

No matter what comes our way, we are to Keep. On. Following. Him.
Have grit!




This is Day 31 of 31 Questions Jesus Asked. You can find the entire series here.

Today I am joining … Still Saturday and Weekend Whispers and Faith ‘n Friends and Give Me Grace and Word of God Speak and Spiritual Sundays .