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I put Jocelyn in for a nap each day, following the same routine every time. We race down my hall to see who will get to the sound machine first and get to turn it on. Somehow, she always wins 🙂 Not sure if it is the head start she gives herself or that she pushes past me with determination or that I let her. I reach for the monitor, turning it on while Jocelyn covers her ears, for she so dislikes the loud hum which occurs. We do kisses and I leave the room but not before I hear the repeated question …

“Mimi, you have the monitor?”

“Yes”, I say as I close the bedroom door.

Not thoroughly convinced, Jocelyn speaks to me through the monitor to ascertain I hear her and she hears me. Then and only then, does she drift off into her nap.

I am not sure when the pattern developed between the two of us as it was not always so. But Jocelyn takes comfort, and maybe finds assurance, in the knowledge that I am there. Even when she cannot see me.

There are three advantages which we gain from friendship:

  1. Partnership. In Ecclesiastes 4, we read of the one who is all alone. He works hard and gains wealth. “But then he asks himself, “Who am I working for?” (verses 7-8, NLT). He finds himself depressed as his work is meaningless to him. We have a need to work for the benefit of others besides ourselves.
  2. Provision or assistance. “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.” (verse 9, NLT) As we bounce ideas off of each other and work towards a common goal, success becomes deeply satisfying. Success is enjoyed best when enjoyed with others.
  3. Protection. “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer.” (verse 12, NLT) We come to the aid of each other, standing back to back so as not to experience a surprise attack.

Jesus assured us, before leaving this earth, saying, “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20, NLT) He has not left us to manage life on our own. He never will leave us nor desert us.

We also need to know there are others going the journey with us. We need to be sure of them and they of us. May we surround ourselves with friends who will work hard with us; help us to succeed; and stand back to back with us. And may we be that friend for others.

Let’s take the hand of each other and be able to say,
“I just wanted to be sure of you.”



Today I am joining … Three Word Wednesday and Tell His Story and Wedded Wednesday and Women With Intention .