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I remember the overwhelming flood of emotion when I gave birth to each of my own children. The weight of responsibility fell equally as hard as the realization that nothing could have prepared me for motherhood.

There was never any doubt I would love them because I always loved children. I was not as confident in my own abilities to mother well with wisdom which would guide them safely, successfully, and always in God’s ways. But I have loved my own two deeply and fiercely as any mother is able.

My love for my own was so strong, I truly felt it could never be duplicated again.

I discovered I was wrong the day my first granddaughter came into this world. One look at her little face and a rush of emotion, never felt before, flooded my heart. Loving the second one came as easily and with the same strong bond.

As a “Mimi”, I have had the joy of watching both of my granddaughters while their parents worked full time. There has been much laughter, some frustration, and much fatigue but not a single day would I trade for the delight of knowing them so deeply. And them knowing me.

The days I read or hear the news, often filled with atrocities, I am so grateful God has made a way for these children to be here in my home – safe and loved. Not mistreated nor abused. Always fed and kept comfortable. Able to enjoy the outdoors and explore.

But mostly, I am grateful for the constant reminder to pray for them. There is no greater joy than to pray for our grandchildren, both already born and those yet to be, to come to know Jesus at a young age and pursue Him all of their days.

“For he issued his laws to Jacob;
he gave his instructions to Israel.
He commanded our ancestors
to teach them to their children,
so the next generation might know them –
even the children not yet born –
and they in turn will teach their own children.
So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles
and obeying his commands.”

(Psalm 78: 5-9, NLT)

Each generation, living out their faith, in the hopes of successfully passing it on in even greater measure. And so I pray today …

Dear Lord, please guide my grandchildren to Your gift of salvation. I pray that they each would come to know You, to love You deeply, and walk closely with You all the days of their lives. May they boldly claim Jesus as their Lord and Savior at a young age. Guide them in the choices they make that every choice would align with Your will. May Your purposes alone be fulfilled in their lives. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.



Today I am joining … Testimony Tuesday and Unite and True Story and Intentional Tuesday and #RaRaLinkup .