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IMG_0057(1)Jocelyn enjoys painting but then, what child doesn’t? She sat at the counter starting out with Q-tips and cotton balls, her paint brushes of choice.

Over the course of a few minutes, she ended up pulling her sleeves up and fully engrossed with her fingers and hands. It looked innocent enough as she asked, “Can I have some more blue paint?”, holding out her hands.

She wanted a few squirts of blue paint to be deposited in her palms. So I did. She rubbed her palms together, making sure to get the color spread to every inch of her palms, from her wrists down to the tips of her fingers. Then she sheepishly asked, “Can I have a little more blue, please? Please?”

Who could say “No”? Not I and so, I put a few more squirts onto her little toddler palms.

She began rubbing the color on the tops of her hands, looking very serious and contemplative …

as she wistfully said, “I wish I were blue.”

We start from such a young age with wishing to be something other than ourselves. As soon as her words fell on my ears, I teared up. She is so herself in every way and my heart longs for her to embrace her “selfness” for all of her days.

In this crazy world, where we compare ourselves to one another, to celebrities, and sports figures, we can so lose sight of being ourselves.

Our uniquely created selves.

“And yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8, NLT)

I quickly wiped her hands cleaned so that I could put a different color in her palms. And then another. And another until this was before us …

And so today I pray for my grandchildren … Thank you Lord, for it is in Your infinite wisdom and grace by which you created us all uniquely. We are each precious to You because of our individuality. May my grandchildren appreciate themselves for who You have made them to be. Place people in their lives who will build up their self images in You so that they each embrace their hopes and dreams until You fulfill Your purposes in their lives. For truly, “Red and yellow, black and white. They are precious in Your sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.” In Your Name I pray, Amen.


Today I am joining … #Small Wonder and Inspire Me Monday and Sharing His Beauty .