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Today I’m joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. All of us writing on that same word.

Today’s prompt is … Decide.


Seeing the word prompt, I almost decided to pass this one by. But it nagged at me until I decided to go with it.

A little over twenty eight years ago, I suspected I was pregnant. Even before my OB confirmed it, I heard him say, “But don’t get your hopes up. Don’t expect this one to go full term.”

I had a choice to make – would I believe my doctor or believe that God is able?

I decided to believe that my God was able to protect, keep, and grow the baby who was growing inside of me.

Bedridden for nine months, I looked forward to my day out for my scheduled OB appointments. Without fail, he would try to encourage me but always managed to say, “Remember, don’t get your hopes up.”

Several times a day, I saw the visible “red” sign taunting me of the inevitable.

With the support of my family and dear friends who prayed, tended to my first child, brought food and kept me company, I had to decide, each and every day, to believe God.

On this very day, April 1st – Good Friday, twenty eight years ago, I gave birth to my
9 lb. 2 1/2 oz. son, who was perfectly healthy.

The lesson became fixed in my life – when having to decide – trust God.

“So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6, NLT)

And so this morning, I decided to dedicate this post to my son – Tim – Happy Birthday!
I am so grateful for the joy of being your mom.



Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith Filled Friday and Grace & Truth .