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3. Joanne One Word 2016- 500x500-1The title of the new study we started on Monday is, “But We See Jesus”. How can it be that it took more than a week for me to make the connection to my one word for the year – See.

In the first few verses of Hebrews, I began to see:

  • God is not limited in the way He communicates with us (verse 1).
  • Through Christ, we can understand the character and nature of God (verse 3)
  • Everything is sustained by God’s Word (verse 3).
  • There is a contrast with time: “long ago” and “now in these final days”, demonstrating that our God has never, and will never, change (verse 1 and 2).
  • Jesus is the exact representation of God. Not a copy but exact. In seeing Jesus, we come to see the Father and know Him (verse 3).

But it is the way a thought continues to be placed in front of me which amazes me. A devotional led me to read this Scripture:

“Then Jesus cried out, “When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me.” (John 12:44-45, NIV)


I have looked at this statement made by Christ for several days, even looking at it in several translations, until it hit me this morning …

Believing leads to seeing and
seeing leads to believing,
in increasing measure.

The more we believe and trust Him, the more we will see His activity in our lives, which in turn will lead us to believe Him more. As we come to see and learn of Jesus, we grow in our understanding of the Father, Who sent Him.

May we have eyes which see,

Jesus – the exact representation of God.


Today I am joining … Let Us Grow and Faith ‘N Friends .