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Family. It has been defined as “a social unit consisting of parents and children, whether they live together or not”.

Our family is blessed to be four generations, each generation bringing its unique qualities and opinions to our table when we gather together. We often laugh, cry, agree, and disagree. But no matter what – we love one another. As our family grows, we get to live out the love of God as we care for, and deeply love, those He brings into our family. Our hearts become enlarged and our desire is to love and nurture each one to be the best they can be.

Last week, while on vacation, as we would get ready to go out or leave a place, eight year old Sophia would say, “Let’s go, my peeps!” It made me laugh every time.

“Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”
(John 21:16, NIV)

Jesus knew that although Peter had failed Him, Peter still felt committed. Jesus knew Peter would now understand failure more fully and was able to effectively nurture and protect others. Jesus also knew this tight knit group He had built – in a sense, they were His peeps.

Vacation is a funny thing. We get away to relax, to break from our routines. We spend days, close together, in ways not possible in our ordinary days.

On our vacation, we hung out with our granddaughters … in the early morning hours in our pj’s, making breakfast, brushing out snarls and making ponytails, laying on the bed reading together, eating lunch and dinner, playing mini golf, bowling, and swimming. We had conversations and shared memories of past vacations that would not have happened if we had not been together, in one house and under one roof all week.

As the week progressed, Sophia came to realize – we were the peeps. Her peeps. The ones who will invest in her life, sharing every moment that counts, and never walk away from her.

Vacations are more than vacations. They are the act of making concentrated times together count for the rest of our lives. We make memories to hold onto when the years have passed and we may no longer be together. We make memories for them. But more so, we make memories for ourselves. Memories for us to hold onto and cherish when these little ones are no longer little.

Often the time, we best take care of our sheep.
And peeps.



Today I am joining … Thought Provoking Thursday and Grace Moments .