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13988222_10208209443848515_6744458265310236332_oThe cover sits before me, the title drawing me in and yet it is months before Christmas. It’s the subtitle – The Weight Of Waiting – that keeps nagging at my heart.

Each morning I pour my coffee and read one devotional in the early morning stillness. It’s a stillness emphasizing the very act of waiting.

Wait – “to be available or in readiness; to look forward to eagerly; to continue as one in expectation of” (according to

Waiting did not always come easily to me. Perhaps it is still so, not sure. Yet the word “patient” has often been applied to my personality.

My mind flashes back to my third pregnancy, occurring just a few months after a miscarriage. I became bedridden even before the pregnancy was confirmed by my OB. Nine months of waiting. All of it done in bed except for the few minutes each day permitted to take care of necessities.

In her new book which releases October 18th, Kris Camealy reminds me:


Kris graciously offered the opportunity for me to share on the subject of waiting over at her site. I hope you will join me for the rest of my story. Her new book will surely open your eyes, as it has mine, to the unexpected blessings God brings to our lives as we wait on Him.


Today I am joining … #SmallWonder and Moments of Hope and #LifeGiving and Literacy Musing Mondays .