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“Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant.” (Luke 1:38, NLT)

Dear Jesus,

What a remarkable person she was, your mother. Help me to hear beyond the liturgical familiarity of those words to their far-reaching implications.

The honor bestowed on her was staggering. So was the responsibility. To be the one not only to bear you but to protect you, raise you, teach you.

I pray that even across so many centuries she could teach me too. There is much I could learn from her. What wonderful things would be birthed in my life if only I could learn to pray, “I am your servant. May it be to me as you say.”

If I learn nothing else from her, those words have given me a model not only how to pray but how to live…

(from Moments With The Savior by Ken Gire)


Today I am joining … Spiritual Sundays and Word of God Speak and Give Me Grace .