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Today is Valentine’s Day.

The day men and women everywhere will celebrate love. I don’t usually write about my husband as I try to hold some things close. But somehow today was different.

Friday we had an appointment which my husband had been after me for a long time to make. When I say I had been putting it off, I mean like I have been putting it off for years. Yes, years.

But Friday we went to put it gently, and as my southern friend put it so kindly – “to put our affairs in order.” It was the conversation I never wanted to have and somehow still cannot work past it all to talk about it.

But the years have had a way of creeping up on us and it was important to one of us (my husband) to do this, and so we did.

We showed up with all the necessary information. I am organized most of the time and for this appointment, I was well organized. Seeing as I had put it off for so long, I certainly did not want to have to do it again.

The attorney was wonderful. He was kind and informative as he “killed us off” one at a time to help us make our decisions and choices wisely. Right from the start, I informed him that he had it all wrong as we would both be going at the same time. That should have been his clue not to push the death scenario too often on me.

The time and the discussion went smoothly and I managed to keep it all together. Until I got up from my seat. The weight of the discussion and decisions hit me hard and the tears began to roll. The poor attorney ran for tissues, since he was not exactly sure what else to do.

It is funny how a conversation on trusts, wills, health proxies and living wills can make one realize how fleeting and fragile life can be. But more so, it made me realize how precious life is and the depth of love and commitment there is in my marriage.

The photo hangs on the wall of our bedroom, a reminder of our wedding day. We were young and never gave thought to the fact the years would pass quickly.

I want to grow old with him. I want to kiss him when his skin is weathered and wrinkled. I want to hear him snoring in the middle of the night, every night. I want to laugh with him and at his silly antics. I want to smell his cologne every morning as he gets ready for work and for the day. And I want to fold his laundry and put it in his drawers.

Oh sure, we have had our ups and downs but God has been so good, for the downs have been few and the ups plentiful. After all, it will be thirty eight years this year.

I have been reading “The Heart of Marriage” by Dawn Camp over the last week. If you are married, I highly suggest this one. Every story is different but each one drives home the unique relationship found in a marriage. You will cry. You will laugh. And you will come to appreciate your spouse and see them through a new lens – the lens of love and commitment.

I was surprised to see that my sweet friend, Emily Wierenga, had similar thoughts on marriage as she wrote in one chapter:

“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what God has joined together, let man not separate.” (Matthew 19:5-6, NIV)

And so Danny, on this Valentine’s Day and on every day – I hope you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I love you.

And I hope you know the lawyer is wrong – we are going together.


Today I am joining … Testimony Tuesday and Unite and #RaRaLinkup .