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The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is … Visit. Next week Five Minute Friday will have a new home. Be sure to go check it out HERE.

Visit – to receive or go to spend time with a person. The purpose can be to provide comfort, encouragement, or for no reason other than to spend time with someone.

The word brought to mind how Jesus, during His time here on earth, went to the homes of many for a visit. A few that quickly came to mind were the visits to:

  • Peter’s home where He healed Peter’s mother-in-law
  • Matthew’s home as a dinner guest
  • the home of a synagogue leader, Jairus, at his request to heal his daughter
  • eat dinner in the home of Simon, a Pharisee
  • the home of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus

And then there is the visit to the home of Zaccheus, where Jesus invited Himself, “Zaccheus!” he said. “Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.”
(Luke 19:5b, NLT).

Jesus visited wherever and whomever He could, knowing that there is something so personal and intimate in sitting together and conversing. He shared meals with the outcast, the unwanted, and those considered sinners to extend God’s love and grace to those who would otherwise be overlooked by society.

He calls us to do the same today:

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27, NLT)

The beauty of a visit is that it can take the form of a phone call,
a card, a text,
or a cup of coffee.
Sometimes the ministry of outreach is as simple as a visit.

Who can you visit today?



Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Faith Filled Friday and Faith ”˜N Friends and Fresh Market Friday .