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Yesterday was Mother’s Day. A day where mother’s young and old gather together – some in person, some in memory. But all thought of in one way or another.

Tearing the sheet off from my calendar to reveal the day’s verse, I expected to see the familiar, “They rise up and call her “blessed” verse from Proverbs 31. To my pleasant surprise, the page revealed a different verse:

Right there, on the teeniest of calendars I have ever had, a most poignant message was preached. Three qualities are needed when raising a family:

  1. “It takes wisdom.” I thought of the many times, I had no idea what I was doing or what to do. Left to myself, I would surely have made the wrong decision, and many times I did. But there were also times, when I remembered to rely fully on Him, He provided me with the wisdom needed. “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you” (James 1:5, NLT).
  2. “It takes understanding.” Every generation comes with its own distinctions. Every child is unique. Throw in varied and never before experienced situations, and understanding is imperative. We need to not only grasp each situation and the emotions of our family members, we need to interpret them correctly and with sympathy. Often this will require more of us than we possess. “I will pursue your commands, for you expand my understanding” (Psalm 119:32, NLT).
  3. “It takes knowledge.” Although it has been said, “Moms have eyes behind the back of the heads”, we often do not know everything. There can be aspects of a situation which are completely unknown to us. We need to be willing to learn, and patiently wait until we know all the facts. Then we can make decisions on what is to be allowed into our homes and families. “Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge” (Proverbs 18:15, NLT).

A good family and a treasured home
are ours as we depend on Him.


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