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They came one day for a visit and lunch. As we sat enjoying the food before us, the conversation flowed fast and swift as we tried to catch up on the last few weeks.

It was lunch with my granddaughters. Of course, we discussed school, grades, friends, Valentine’s Day, and the squabbles they had shared the last few days. What else would two sisters discuss?

The conversation was lively, loud, and filled with laughter. Lots of laughter. While the visit was a few days ago, it has remained in my thoughts since. The mere thought of the conversations we had still makes me laugh.

The memory also brings a word to mind – Winsome. Winsomeness has been defined as:

“That tasteful, appealing, ultra-magnetic quality … that ability to cause joy and genuine pleasure in the thick of it all.” (Chuck Swindoll)

It is a quality that makes our loads lighter and the day brighter. It leaves one motivated to do more. It fills the heart with hope.

A joyful heart makes a cheerful face.” (Proverbs 15:13a, NASB)

A cheerful heart has a continual feast.” (Proverbs 15:15a, NASB)

Our hearts will be reflected on our faces, and our hearts can be a continual feast for those around us. So what are practical steps we can take to develop this quality of winsomeness?

  • Smile, a lot. Smile at those around you even as you go about your day. Whether you know them or not. As our faces exude cheer, others will be drawn to us. They will converse and share more readily.
  • Say encouraging words, even do an encouraging act. A small act of encouragement can turn someone’s day around. Convey worth and appreciation to those around you.
  • Be pleasant. Don’t wear your problems and concerns on your sleeve so others are aware of them.

Here’s one more reason to develop a winsome personality:

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.”
(Proverbs 17:22, NASB)

A joyful heart is like good medicine,
bringing healing to those around us,
and maybe even the world.

We all have difficult people in our lives. In this post, Keeping Hope Alive as You Pray for a Difficult Person to Change, Lyli Dunbar and and Dr. Michelle Bengston share their wisdom and strategies. It’s a most helpful post sure to bring encouragement and hope as you pray for those difficult ones in your life.


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Photo by Jacqueline Munguía on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Recharge Wednesday .