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We Are Seen {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

The stories told in Scripture never grow old as each time they are revisited, one finds a much needed truth. In returning to the story of Hagar as found in Genesis 16, there was precious encouragement to be found. Hagar has run away from her abusive mistress. She is...

He Sees Me

The story of Hagar has been before me for a few days. Hagar, the Egyptian maidservant of Sarai. She was stripped of all personal rights as a person, as a woman, and had to give into Sarai’s every demand. Her very name, Hagar, means “flight”. This is...


“What do you think God thinks about you?” She throws the question out on facebook, never realizing I would think long and hard on the question. The answer comes quickly, thank you Beth Moore and Believing God … “In Christ, I am loved and...