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On His Mind {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

It’s always interesting the little tidbits of information one can find hidden in the lists of genealogy. For instance, when we hear the name “Jabez”, we probably all think of the prayer and the little book which bears his name. But this time, the...

Support, Prayer & Identity

The week began with reading Exodus 1:8-22 and meeting Shiphrah and Puah. I must be honest, while I knew the story of the midwives, I did not remember their names. Yet God recorded them in His Word to be known and remembered for all time. Two midwives, who did not...


“Our lives can and must disrupt the ways of the world, unveiling a new way to be human.” (Saints by Addison Bevere, page 222) In his book, Saints, Addison Bevere encourages us to remember who we are in and through Christ – Saints. Saints is a term...

Of Accidents, Impossibilities, & Believing

We continued another week into the Advent Study, “True Light For Everyone” – ~*~*~ We begin week 4 with reading Luke 1:5-17 and my thoughts were drawn to one part of the story in particular. Zechariah was serving God in the Temple, for his order of...

Chosen for Christ

Chosen. The mere word reminds me of those days in gym class. All the kids are lined up and sides are being drawn up. With each selection, our breath is held as we wait to hear our name called. Our desire not to be the last one because then you really weren’t...