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The Sturdiest Trees {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

“Life is wearying.” The words are now out in the open. Many feel this way, some express it but I’ve held back from saying the words out loud. But the more I kept them inside, the louder they got in my head, and my heart only became heavier. One early...

Patience, Peace & Perspective

“Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.” (Psalm 37:7, NASB) This seems so simple to do and yet when in looking up the definitions of two words, it no longer was so simple. Rest –> “refreshing ease or inactivity.” Wait –>...

A Lesson From An Elephant

At times, I remember my word on a daily basis. This month of July, I seem to have forgotten to be on the lookout for it. So when it shows up in the most unexpected of ways, it really does bring excitement and delight. It was a tweet by Ray Ortlund (@rayortlund) that...

Becoming Resilient

The question had been asked of me often over the last few months. “Why?” It is a one word question that asks the greater question, “Why does God allow pain?” Or disappointment? Or suffering or … any other unbearable heartache or trauma. I...