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Flawed & Imperfect  {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Flawed & Imperfect {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Perfectionism has been on my mind a bit these last few days. Most of us have a desire to do things well, or at least with excellence. Yet there is no one who does all things with perfection. Perfectionism stakes its claim on us by making us feel we are not enough. It...

As We Lift Our Eyes

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1, NIV) The verse has been before me, off and on, for a week now. A yoke is used to couple animals together for the...

Fragile and Cracked

I have been thinking about perfectionism a bit these last few days. Most of us have a desire to do things well, or at least with excellence. Yet not any of us do all things with perfection. Perfectionism stakes its claim on us by making us feel we are not enough. It...