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Of Faith, Delays & Integrity

Three more psalms stirring thoughts on faith and God’s faithfulness; the testing of delays; and living lives of integrity. Psalm 11 “The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord’s throne is in heaven.” (verse 4, NASB) Eleven psalms in and with the...

Blessing, Repentance, Worship

Last week brought us officially into the Advent season with the reading of Psalm 24. My Grampa Spano loved this psalm and in particular verses 3-4. I can well remember him teaching me, as a little girl, to keep my heart clean and to be truthful. It is to this person...


Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Near. Reading the word prompt before heading to bed last night, I thought I would pass this week. Then I read Psalm 15 early this morning. The psalmist asks:...

Leadership 101

I have been asking myself this question: What makes a good leader? In reading Psalm 15 the other day, I realized that it lays out for us a list of good criteria for leadership. The Psalm opens by asking: “Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter...