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We Learn to Lean

Decisions do not come easy for me as I fear being wrong. Fear can immobilize me every time as I do not want to make a bad decision, especially when its impact will be felt by those I love. Decision making, and reliance on God for wisdom, is probably why this verse has...

Stand Firm & Wait

One of the hardest things to do is “wait”. Waiting doesn’t sound like a faith word, or even a word that demonstrates believing God. Waiting almost seems to have a faltering connotation, like what one would do at those times when one has no idea what else to do....

Our God is Not Slow

“Slow”Â  can be defined as moving with less speed than required or needed. It’s not a word which applies to my family as we tend to do a lot of things on the fast side, like eating, which isn’t always good. Therefore, the expectation is also that God should...

When We Wait {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Wait ”“ it’s an odd sort of word. It’s also my One Word 2022. It brings to mind the thought of standing still, or in one place, while looking forward towards something expectantly. It’s like nothing is being done while something is actually being done....

Wait Expectantly

The story is a familiar one found in the pages of Genesis. I desiring a godly wife for his son, Abraham sends his servant back to his own country to find a wife for him. We often hear of Rebekah’s admirable qualities ”“ her beauty, her hospitality, and hard work...