Today was our church’s celebration called “United in Love” by which we made baskets – filled with goodies & invitations to come to our church – which would then go to every dept. of public service in the town of Haverhill. Personally, I think it was a brilliant idea not only for outreach but to show sincere appreciation for all that public servants do for the town. It was a unique time of joy as the baskets were filled & a sense of community felt by the congregation. Pastor Steve closed the service with communion.
Communion is a special time for me each month but then there are those times that are marked deeply, forever to be remembered. Today was one of those times.
I am currently reading, Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker. The quotes from the portion I read this afternoon are based on this Scripture:
“The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, & when he had given thanks, he broke it & said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 1 Corinthians 11:23-24
From the book..“Do this in remembrance of Me”. Here I got stuck. Do what?
Communion is more than a memory, more than a reverent moment when we recall Jesus’ heroic sacrifice. Remembrance means honoring Jesus’ mercy mission with a tangible, physical action since it was a tangible, physical sacrifice.
Not only was communion a symbolic ritual, it was a new prototype of discipleship. “Continuously make My sacrifice real by doing this very thing.” Become a living offering, denying yourself for the salvation & restoration of humanity. Obedience to Jesus’ command is more than looking backward; it’s a present & continuous replication of His sacrifice.” pages 53-54.
Today ending our community appreciation project with communion was truly an act of worship. Today through each of us at BCC participating, we were participating in being broken & poured out, just as He was, so that someone else may hear & learn of Him.
Steve, thank you for “interrupting” church to teach us all anew what it means to “be the church”.
May our worship today be a pleasing offering to our Lord!!!