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This morning while drying my hair, I was thinking about “hair”. Have you ever realized all that we do with our hair? We……wash it, dry it, cut it, highlight it, streak it, dye it, shave it, straighten it, perm it. We wear it long, short, layered, stacked, with clips, in pony tails, in braids, in buns. We have good hair days & bad hair days. Let’s face it – we obsess about our hair. We just do. We do all but one thing with our hair. We do not & cannot count our hairs.

There is only One who can do that & does do that.

“And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:30

There you have it. God has the hairs on your head counted. Think about it. That means He is doing the math on each one of our heads – all day long. As each hair grows in & as each hair grows out. Counting.

Now think about this….in order to keep count, He has to be looking!! He is looking at each one of us. All day long. His eyes are on us. On me. On you. If His eyes are that focused on us as to count our hairs, do we really think that anything can happen to us in the course of our day that can possibly miss His attention??? Seriously. If He sees a single strand of hair that falls out & keeps count, let us rest in KNOWING that there is not a single detail of our day that misses His eyes. He KNOWS it all.

Guess what is on my keyboard? Yup, a hair. And He has seen it & adjusted His count  :))