Since Sophia was very small, my mom has taught Sophia about “Scout’s honor”. Whenever we would ask her to do something, we would say, “Scout’s honor”, making the sign of scouts with our fingers. For those of you who may not know what that looks like, here is an example —
Today for some reason, conversation with Sophia on any given subject with me has gone like this:
“Mimi, are you sure?”
“Mimi, do you promise?”
“Mimi, scout’s honor!”
As the day has progressed, I have realized that she has learned the concept that my word is my word quite well. Once I said, “Scout’s honor”, she KNEW THAT SHE KNEW that we were going to play The Memory Game, that I was going to read her THREE books, that we were going to go outside to play, that I was going to let her play with the hose. You get the point. She knew. And she rested in that. She rested in the fact that while she may not get it at that immediate moment, she would get it at the moment in time that I promised. This has gotten me to thinking….we are told,
“Above all, my brothers, do not swear – not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your “Yes” be yes, and your “No”, no, or you will be condemned.” (James 5:12)
As Christians, there should be no reason that we have to convince one another that what we are saying is true. As The Expositor’s Commentary puts it, the Christian “should be honest in all his speech so that when he makes an affirmation or denial people will know it is unquestionably the truth.” Basically, our word should be our word. Let’s not make promises that we cannot keep. Better yet, that we know we have no intentions of keeping.
This got me to thinking about something else this afternoon. There is another One Whose “Yes” is yes.
“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.” (2Corinthians 1:20).
“The faithfulness of God’s word is most clearly manifested in the coming of his Son. All of God’s promises to Israel find their yes in him.” “Christ is God’s yes to all meaningful human hopes. Christ is God’s yes to human longing for life, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification.” (New American Commentary).
Today may I remember that my word is to be my word.
But more importantly, may I remember that His Word is His Word. May I find rest in that. May I KNOW THAT I KNOW that He will fulfill His promises to me – in His time, in His way.
“Scout’s Honor!!!!!!”