Dictionary defines it as…
- passing from one level to another.
- to change gradually from one rank to another.Â
No matter how you define it – you did it!!!!! Kind of like….”You have fought the good fight, You have finished the race.” (2 Timothy 4:7).
Tim, I am so proud of you. But then, I always have been. You surely have “fought the fight”. It truly was a fight to get to the end. To finish your goal. I am so proud of you for never giving in, never giving up, for never having thrown in the towel. Today, you finish the race. In actuality? You are just beginning it! May our God unfold His plans for your life in boldness, with clarity & I know, with excitement – for what He has for you will be good.
So now I charge you to…
“Fight the good fight of the faith.” (1Timothy 6:12)
Fight it continually. Fight it always. The victories always outweigh the cost! He is worth it. Every time. I love you, Tim, more than you will ever know. I cannot wait to see what God does in & through your life.
Love, Mom
To my other graduate friends & you know who you are: “Congratulations!!”. You have made my life richer for having had you in my home. For the many conversations. For the late nights. For asking me, “What are you reading now?”. May God bless you as He leads you where He would have you to be. Stay in His Word!! Listen for His voice. Listen to His voice. He will never lead you down a wrong path. And once in a while, call me & ask, “What are you reading now?”.