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Ever notice how we always wait till we run out of strength….

or resources……

or options……….

or ideas……….

to turn to God?

Lest we think that He does not notice this as well…..I just read an interesting verse….God speaking says,

“Then I’ll go back to where I came from until they come to their senses. When they finally hit rock bottom, maybe they’ll come looking for me.”                                   (Hosea 5:15  The Message).

Is that not the most eye opening verse on human nature? This was written so long ago while God’s chosen people were resisting Him. Here we are, still that very same way. So He still waits. And we still hit rock bottom.

There are times in our lives that God leaves us in our difficulty to struggle. Why? So that our hearts might soften to Him & to the very idea of relationship with Him. There are times that God leaves us in that season of hardship extending His grace & mercy to us so that we would realize we need Him & Him only.

Perhaps, just perhaps, we will turn to Him BEFORE we hit that rock bottom.

No matter when, He is always there. We will always find Him.