C.S. Lewis wrote….
“in the process of being worshiped…..God communicates His presence to men.”
When we are needing changes in our lives, we need to worship Him. It is there that something occurs – we change, we receive direction, situations are altered.
The Psalmist put it this way:
“God-you’re my God! I can’t get enough of you! I’ve worked up such hunger and thirst for God, traveling across dry and weary deserts.
 So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open, drinking in your strength and glory. In your generous love I am really living at last! My lips brim praises like fountains. I bless you every time I take a breath; My arms wave like banners of praise to you.”                        (Psalm 63: 1-3, The Message).
We give God our worship.
              We get to drink in His strength & glory.
                             We receive His generous love.
                                       What an amazing exchange.
       This is why worship is important. May we worship Him today with all our hearts!