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Let Him Reign

I stand amazed at how God’s Word speaks directly into our hearts. When His Word comes at just the right moment in time, I realize anew – God is a God of time as much as He is a God of timing. And there truly can be nothing like a word which is perfectly...

The Power of a Tweet

Seriously, they did not know. They had no way of knowing. And yet, God used them, their words, in and through Twitter. Of all the ways to be used by God! My daughter and son-in-law will be celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary this weekend. And you got it –...
I Am Who God Says I Am

I Am Who God Says I Am

I am not sure how many years ago I first did Believing God by Beth Moore. It is a study full of truths which have stayed with me. Truths committed to memory for she has you repeat truth until it becomes ingrained. How very grateful I am for all the index cards which...

He Is Big, We Are Small

Some years ago, my mom discovered that she had a poetic streak in her. We used to look forward to getting a card from her, in which, she would write a limerick to describe what was going on in our family. We would all laugh till the tears fell. None of us knew she had...